Friday, August 6, 2010

Bipolar Transister

The Common Base Configuration :
If the base is common to the input and output circuits, it is know as common base configuration as shown in fig. 1.
VEB = f1(VCB, IE)
IC= f2(VCB, IE) 
In the active region the input diode is forward biased, therefore, input characteristic is simply the forward biased characteristic of the emitter to base diode for various collector voltages. fig. 3. Below cut in voltage (0.7 or 0.3) the emitter current is very small. The curve with the collector open represents the forward biased emitter diode. Because of the early effect the emitter current increases for same VEB. (The diode becomes better diode).

In an ideal transistor, adc= 1. This means all emitter electrons entering the base region go on to the collector. Therefore, collector current equals emitter current. For transistor action, emitter diode acts like a forward bias diode and collector diode acts like a current source. The equivalent circuits of npn and pnp transistors are shown in fig. 4. The current source arrow points for conventional current. The current source is controlled by emitter current.
The common base amplifier circuit is shown in Fig. 1. The VEE source forward biases the emitter diode and VCC source reverse biased collector diode. The ac source vin is connected to emitter through a coupling capacitor so that it blocks dc. This ac voltage produces small fluctuation in currents and voltages. The load resistance RL is also connected to collector through coupling capacitor so the fluctuation in collector base voltage will be observed across RL.
Fig. 3, shows the diode curve relating IE and VBE. In the absence of ac signal, the transistor operates at Q point (point of intersection of load line and input characteristic). When the ac signal is applied, the emitter current and voltage also change. If the signal is small, the operating point swings sinusoidally about Q point (A to B).
r'e is the ratio of ΔVBE and Δ IE and its value depends upon the location of Q. Higher up the Q point small will be the value of r' e because the same change in VBE produces large change in IE. The slope of the curve at Q determines the value of r'e. From calculation it can be proved that.
In general, the current through a diode is given by
Where q is he charge on electron, V is the drop across diode, T is the temperature and K is a constant.
On differentiating w.r.t V, we get,
The value of (q / KT) at 25°C is approximately 40.

ie = Vin / r'e
or,        Vin = ie r'e
The output voltage is given by Vout = ic (RC || RL)

Under open circuit condition vout = ic Rc



and,                       Vout = 1.5 x 8.71 =13.1 mV

Common Emitter Curves:
The common emitter configuration of BJT is shown in fig. 1.
VBE = f1 ( IB, VCE )
IC = f2( IB, VCE )
The curve between IB and VBE for different values of VCE are shown in fig. 2. Since the base emitter junction of a transistor is a diode, therefore the characteristic is similar to diode one. With higher values of VCEBE is zero and IB is also zero. collector gathers slightly more electrons and therefore base current reduces. Normally this effect is neglected. (Early effect). When collector is shorted with emitter then the input characteristic is the characteristic of a forward biased diode when V
Fig. 2
Lecture - 6: Bipolar Transistor
When the emitter diode is forward biased and collector diode is reverse biased as shown in fig. 4 then one expect large emitter current and small collector current but collector current is almost as large as emitter current.
Fig. 4
When emitter diodes forward biased and the applied voltage is more than 0.7 V (barrier potential) then larger number of majority carriers (electrons in n-type) diffuse across the junction.
Once the electrons are injected by the emitter enter into the base, they become minority carriers. These electrons do not have separate identities from those, which are thermally generated, in the base region itself. The base is made very thin and is very lightly doped. Because of this only few electrons traveling from the emitter to base region recombine with holes. This gives rise to recombination current. The rest of the electrons exist for more time. Since the collector diode is reverse biased, (n is connected to positive supply) therefore most of the electrons are pushed into collector layer. These collector elections can then flow into the external collector lead.
Thus, there is a steady stream of electrons leaving the negative source terminal and entering the emitter region. The VEB forward bias forces these emitter electrons to enter the base region. The thin and lightly doped base gives almost all those electrons enough lifetime to diffuse into the depletion layer. The depletion layer field pushes a steady stream of electron into the collector region. These electrons leave the collector and flow into the positive terminal of the voltage source. In most transistor, more than 95% of the emitter injected electrons flow to the collector, less than 5% fall into base holes and flow out the external base lead. But the collector current is less than emitter current.
Relation between different currents in a transistor:
The total current flowing into the transistor must be equal to the total current flowing out of it. Hence, the emitter current IE is equal to the sum of the collector (IC ) and base current (IB). That is,
IE = IC + IB
The currents directions are positive directions. The total collector current IC is made up of two components.
1. The fraction of emitter (electron) current which reaches the collector ( adc IE )
2. The normal reverse leakage current ICO
adc is known as large signal current gain or dc alpha. It is always positive. Since collector current is almost equal to the IE therefore αdc IE varies from 0.9 to 0.98. Usually, the reverse leakage current is very small compared to the total collector current.

NOTE: The forward bias on the emitter diode controls the number of free electrons infected into the base. The larger (VBE) forward voltage, the greater the number of injected electrons. The reverse bias on the collector diode has little influence on the number of electrons that enter the collector. Increasing VCB does not change the number of free electrons arriving at the collector junction layer.
The symbol of npn and pnp transistors are shown in fig. 5.

Fig. 5
Breakdown Voltages:
Since the two halves of a transistor are diodes, two much reverse voltage on either diode can cause breakdown. The breakdown voltage depends on the width of the depletion layer and the doping levels. Because of the heavy doping level, the emitter diode has a low breakdown voltage approximately 5 to 30 V. The collector diode is less heavily doped so its breakdown voltage is higher around 20 to 300 V. 0
A transistor is basically a Si on Ge crystal containing three separate regions. It can be either NPN or PNP type fig. 1. The middle region is called the base and the outer two regions are called emitter and the collector. The outer layers although they are of same type but their functions cannot be changed. They have different physical and electrical properties.

If both the junctions are forward biased using two d.c sources, as shown in fig. 3a. free electrons (majority carriers) enter the emitter and collector of the transistor, joins at the base and come out of the base. Because both the diodes are forward biased, the emitter and collector currents are large.

Fig. 3a

If both the junction are reverse biased as shown in fig. 3b, then small currents flows through both junctions only due to thermally produced minority carriers and surface leakage. Thermally produced carriers are temperature dependent it approximately doubles for every 10 degree celsius rise in ambient temperature. The surface leakage current increases with voltage.
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